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UK Dedicates Alumni Commons

Alumni Commons is the primary pedestrian pathway in the center of campus on Rose Street from Columbia Avenue to Huguelet Drive. The space includes outdoor classrooms, terraced lawn seating, a water fountain feature, patio and garden areas, and other installations.

Photo by Mark Cornelison, UK Photo

Bell Engineering is very happy to see the completion of the Alumni Commons project on the University of Kentucky campus. The idea for this project began with some preliminary concept sketches five years ago. This was followed by extensive conversations with stakeholders who embraced the desire of President Capilouto to return the heart of the campus to the pedestrian.

The Concept - take a pathway and create a diversity of experience - make it accessible to every student - activate it with central gathering areas (think piazza) create a central datum - establish a canvas for art and impromptu events and return huge expanses of asphalt to the landscape.

See more including photos, project details, timeline, and a time-lapse of construction on UK's website.

UK Alumni Commons Media:


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