Dust Suppression/Air Quality
Air Permitting
National Pollutant Discharge Permitting (NPDES)
Conceptual Design Studies
Equipment Specifications
Water Treatment & Distribution
Wastewater Collection, Treatment & Compliance
Stormwater Conveyance & Treatment
Dewatering Solutions/Beneficiation
Truck Wash System Design
Stormwater/Site Drainage
Process Design & Evaluation
Equipment Evaluation
Engineering and Financial Analysis
KYGAS Software
Solutions for Today
Planning for Tomorrow
The diverse staff at Bell Engineering is well-versed in the requirements associated with the coal and power industry. We provide the knowledge that helps create solutions to maintaining compliance with existing air and water quality permits. Our staff's expertise allows us to utilize state-of-the-art methods to solve technical, economical and regulatory challenges faced by owners and operators of fossil-fired power generating facilities.
Natural gas engineering at Bell integrates the technical and commercial aspects of natural gas to provide technical skills and commercial knowledge to fill the demand in the rapidly growing natural gas industry. We have a comprehensive understanding of the supply chain for natural gas from reservoir to burner tip. We understand the natural gas industry markets, legal issues, contracts, financial instruments, trading and pricing and apply that knowledge to gas projects that impact transportation systems required to deliver gas to the market.