Alumni Drive Roadway Realignment Completed

Bell Engineering, as a subconsultant to lead design firm CDM/Smith, recently completed work on the Alumni Drive roadway realignment project located near Commonwealth Stadium on the University of Kentucky’s campus. The newly designed, one mile stretch of roadway features a new alignment along with the addition of two roundabouts. The road is very highly traveled and required construction to be completed between the last day of class in spring 2015 and the return of students on August 17, 2015. If meeting the aggressive schedule was not challenging enough, there were also three other major projects ongoing at the same time that tied in to the project area. The largest was the renovation of Commonwealth Stadium. This, along with the FEMA Flood Mitigation project, were ongoing along the Alumni corridor with similar required completion dates. Construction of the new football practice facility was also starting. Bell served as the lead engineer for the FEMA project and had merged the future Alumni Drive realignment into the plan. Bell provided the drainage calculations for the Alumni Drive project, along with landscape architecture services, coordination between adjoining projects and a portion of the inspection services during construction. Both the Alumni Drive and FEMA project were completed by the August 17, 2015 deadline.